I personally need significant stretches of time to sink into the inner spaces of quiet, solitude, reflection and meditation. It grounds me and allows me to better connect to what surrounds me in a more centered way.
It is my way of detaching, regenerating and at the same time connecting…an interesting duality of connection and detachment. In that still place new thoughts or realizations drop in. You don’t have to sit cross legged in meditation to go there. Walking alone, riding your bike and running are great opportunities to journey into your inner world. For me, painting and making art can be a simple moving meditation.
Exploring your personal inner space is as important to awakening your ‘seeing’ eyes as discovering a new color out there. It’s that place deep down from which you learn to ‘see’ between the lines of life.
Take time to center and be still. Living in the distraction of sound, color, energy, conversation, TV, video games and computers can be a dizzying, kaleidoscopic, whirlwind, all, at some level, separating you from yourself. I am not saying never allow yourself the distractions. I’m simply asking you to notice how much you are living with intrusions and diversions, basically sleep walking and how much you live with intention in an ‘eyes wide open’ and connected way. And that would include your inner eye, your soft eyes. Never has the ability to go within and to seek quiet been so important. Let your ideas steep in silence for awhile so they can get some clarity. Ahas happen in moments of clarity.
As subtly as my thoughts can change, my reality changes to meet them. It is thought that moves the universe to form and conform.
The world that I see is a chameleon to my mind’s eye.
I can move through a gray oblivion of apathy and mindless meandering, unaware and unconscious of the detail that adds life to what lives or I can pay attention to the minute distinctions of my life’s experience and honor them for what they bring….simply by connecting and noticing.
Next post: Curiosity and living in the question.